Covid-19 Safety Plan

COVID-19 safety plan

Use this template to document how your organization will keep workers and other people safe at your workplace during the COVID-19 pandemic. How to develop your COVID-19 safety plan: A guide for Ontario workplaces explains what you should think about and gives examples to help you come up with your plan.

Company details

Business name: Harmony Hockey Academy

Date completed: Aug 24th 2020

Division/group: sports and Recreation

Date distributed: Available Online

Revision date: Mar 2nd 2021

Developed by: Amanda Fromager; Owner

Others consulted:

The COVID-19 pandemic is an evolving situation – review your plan regularly and make changes as required. Refer to the Ontario government’s COVID-19 website for up-to-date information.


1.     How will you ensure all workers know how and are able to keep themselves safe from exposure to COVID-19?

  • [All workers will have training on Covid-19 protocols and procedures prior to coaching.
  • ]All workers and participants must social distance when possible and wear a face mask at all times; unless involved in physical activity.
  • All workers and participants may not come to the facility if they are experiencing covid-19 symptoms, and/or do not comply with the public health guidelines and rules and regulations. All individuals will be screened upon entry

2.     How will you screen for COVID-19?


[Individuals will be asked questions on the protocol list provided by public health

Individuals will be asked to sign in on the iPad which will then again ask protocol questions and contact information.

Include how you will maximize distance and separation, reduce transmission from surfaces and objects, and support good hand and respiratory hygiene.


  • Class sizes will remain small. No more than 10 individuals will be allowed on the ice at any time; including coaches. 10 people max per room. Everyone must wash/sanitize hands upon entry and exit. Participants must come dressed. Participants must not arrive no more than 15 minutes before their scheduled time and leave in an appropriate time. No more than 1 person allowed coming with athletes under 18yrs of age for supervision.

3.     What will you do if there is a potential case, or suspected exposure to, COVID-19 at your workplace?

Actions:  If there is an expected exposure public health will be contacted and contact tracing information from our sign in program  will be provided if  it is requested. Harmony Hockey will follow the next steps provided by public health.

4.     How will you manage any new risks caused by changes to the way you operate your business?


We will establish regular check-ins with workers about how they’re coping with the change to shift work.

5.     How will you make sure your plan is working?


We will  check in regularly with public health regarding changes, procedures and polices through a health and safety representative.

COVID-19 safety plan – snapshot

This snapshot can be posted in a place where it can be seen easily so your workers, clients and other people entering the workplace will know what actions are being taken.

Business name:  Harmony Hockey Academy                                             

Date completed:        August 24th 2020

Division/group: Sport and Recreation

Revision date: March 2nd 2021

Measures we’re taking

How we’re ensuring workers know how to keep themselves safe from exposure to COVID-19

  • [Providing training and staff safety procedures for completion, update frequently. Provide safety protocols from public health
  • Ensure proper hand washing procedures and health measures are followed as well as protocol screening.

How we’re screening for COVID-19

  • Ask questions on the public health screening protocol list.
  • Participants and workers are also required to answer screening questions on the iPad and provide contact information for contact tracing purposes.

How we’re controlling the risk of transmission in our workplace

Physical distancing and separation

  • [All individuals must practice social distancing when possible of 6 feet apart. No more than 10 people allowed per room. No prolonged or deliberate physical contact when playing sports or practice drills allowed.


  • [High contact surfaces will be cleaned between every class and facility twice per day. Benches, washrooms, equipment will be cleaned between each class.


Hand Sanitizer will be available at entry and exit of the building]

What we will do if there is a potential case, or suspected exposure to, COVID-19 at our workplace

  • [Public health will be contacted and Harmony Hockey will do the next steps suggested by public health

How we’re managing any new risks caused by the changes made to the way we operate our business

  • We will establish regular check-ins with workers about how they’re coping with the change to shift work.


How we’re making sure our plan is working

  • We will check in regularly with public health regarding changes, procedures and polices through a health and safety representative.